18 August 2020. Administrator


Learn directly from Founder Karma Guru Sumant Kaul and become trained in the world's most profound technique!

He is one of the pioneers of the telecommunication revolution in India, a successful businessman and mentor while he is also a clairvoyant karma yogi, internationally acknowledged Karma Yoga teacher, global leader and scholar.

Based on advanced ancient Indian techniques from Kashmir, this Retreat is ideal for people who are seeking the highest knowledge of enlightenment and karma, wanting to experience the bliss of Kundalini. In this Retreat you will learn how you can lead a mindful life like a modern yogi and also enjoy it with extraordinary moments of laughter, abundance and great health 24/7, 365 days.

See your own subtle body with naked eyes. Polish your intuition centres. Learn this knowledge through modern science.

Why should you join this Master Karma Enlightenment Retreat?

Let us share the 5 most important reasons with you.

1. Fix your karmic account Are you driving your life or your karma? Your unconscious programming is based on your karma and all your decisions, which you may think you are taking consciously, are in fact based on your unconscious programming. If you fix your karmic account then you can manifest the life of your dreams. Would you like to know how? This Retreat will provide you with the most powerful ancient shaivic meditation techniques to transform what is limiting you, empowering you to find out who you really are and attain your highest purpose.

2. All techniques in one There are 112 Shiva techniques practised within Karma Yoga, only known by 20-30 people in original form. All other techniques have been taken from Shiva's techniques and have been given some human element which dilutes the energy. Even Buddha had many teachers but ultimately got enlightenment from Shiva's 1st Technique. This Retreat will unravel the Shiva techniques in PUREST form for fastest results.

3. Increase your worthiness quotient People spend money on diamonds because of its perceived value, making them feel good. Harvard research shows that you make money exactly proportional to your worthiness quotient: the more you feel worthy, the more money you make. There is a catch-22 situation. Worthiness depends on your karma. That is why manifestation techniques do not work without transforming your karmas. The moment you work on your worthiness based on these techniques, you can manifest the health, wealth and harmonious relationships that you want.

4. Achieve without sacrifice Break the wrong notion: 'you can't have everything in life'. You do not need to sacrifice something to get another thing. This usually happens when you don't know the highest technique. All your karmas can change at once with the Shiva techniques taught at this retreat when you learn them from teachers who know their true form.

5. Become a professional trainer: heal yourself and then the world You can only heal others permanently when you resolve your own issues. After 19 days of mindful sadhna (practice) you will be certified as a trainer, and you can create abundance for yourself and help others on their mindful journey.

Levels 1-3: Master a variety of the original 112 Shiva meditation techniques and tap into the vortex of the greatest Masters so that you can find who you really are!

Instructor Training: Experience the wisdom of Karma Yoga at the highest level and help others in their mindful evolution with the mentorship of Karma Guru Sumant Kaul!

What will you learn? Advance Knowledge about the Spirit World & Dimensions from ancient philosophy of Trika Meditations to attain Samadhi State (deep trans state) Class exercises and practice with healing script How to fasten the enlightenment journey of a student Ancestral Defects & how it affects your Karma How to identify if you are suffering from Ancestral Defect Strong Positive affirmations to help you change your karma Understanding the seeds of Karma Healing and the effects of Karma - short term & long-term Special techniques to renounce Karmic Oaths Karmic causes of money problems Learn how to release negative money Karmas and replace with new positive Money Karma. Secrets of how to attain wealth and abundance while being mindful Technique for healing Guru Dosha Understanding the concept of Eternal Soulmates Understanding Leshyas in detail and understanding yourself

If you are not able to join the intensive 19 day program, YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN THE: ONLINE KARMA YOGA INSTRUCTOR TRAINING PROGRAM 5. September - 5. December on the weekends

+43 660 7369 501

+36 30 822 1189

+36 30 882 8355